Shop – 集氣箱 Entrebox

Store Address: 1/F, Block 4, Lee Sum Industrial Building, 28 Ng Fong Street, Diamond Hill, Hong Kong (5 minutes from Diamond Hill MTR Station Exit A2)
Business Hours: Monday to Sunday (including public holidays) 12:00pm - 9:00pm
Contact Number: 5482 9237

  • 川流冰裂藍濾杯(V01/V02)
  • Hario SCA-5 虹吸壺
  • Lilydrip (four-piece set)
  • Kalita 梯形白色濾紙 (101/102/103)
  • PROLOG wooden dripper holder for Origami
  • IMS Breville competition shower screen with NanoQuartz coating
  • ORIGAMI Air Resin dripper (All Colors) does not have a wooden holder
  • HAKKA-LIFE Wood-Fired Shining Night 01 Dripper

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E-Atmos設LED顯示燈,綠燈亮起代表咖啡豆維持在最佳狀態,充一次電能支持 4個月的每日使用!


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