Timemore Chestnut X-lite Grinder – 集氣箱 Entrebox

Timemore Chestnut X-lite Grinder

HKD 1,139

HKD 1,139

The Timemore Chestnut X-lite Grinder is a lightweight version of the Timemore X, featuring a newly designed 42mm S2C880 pure steel burr that is both hard and durable. The “pierce then cut” secondary grinding method ensures more uniform particle size, enhancing flavor extraction for a rich and full profile. Additionally, the non-slip texture design makes it easier to grip, allowing for smoother and more effortless grinding.

  • Lightweight version of Timemore X
  • New 42mm S2C880 pure steel burr for high hardness and durability
  • “Pierce then cut” secondary grinding for more uniform particles
  • Offers a richer sweetness compared to Timemore X

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

The King of Versatility and Value

The Timemore Chestnut X-lite Grinder weighs just 160g and features a cylindrical shape that is easy to grip.

Features a 42mm S2C880 pure steel burr with a “pierce then cut” secondary grinding method for more uniform particle size.

The Timemore Chestnut X-lite Grinder is also capable of grinding for espresso; using a grind setting of 2, you can grind 18g of espresso coffee in under 2 minutes.

性價比的獨角獸【Timemore Xlite手搖磨豆機開箱】

今次介紹嘅主角 係Timemore 2022年重點產品之一!而佢就係 Timemore Chestnux X Lite 手搖磨豆機。





Timemore Chestnux X Lite 看上去比以往Chestnux X 更型格,而機身顏色都是綠色或黑色兩種選擇,每次入豆量最多建議都為30G。

而Timemore Chestnux X Lite 比以往Chestnux X 六個唔同之處!

第一,Chestnux X 嘅手柄可以做到有伸縮效果,令到用家不需要拆開手柄也能收放在袋𥚃。而Timemore Chestnux X Lite 將手柄改至正常手磨手柄,跟上普偏市場上嘅手搖磨豆機設計。

第二,Chestnux X 是以方形設計,沒有坑紋設計。而Timemore Chestnux X Lite 將設計改為圓柱型,並加上坑紋。上手時手感更佳,更穩。

第三,Chestnux X 嘅重量大概760G,對於女士嚟講都偏向較重。

而Timemore Chestnux X Lite 手搖磨豆機只係600G左右,少了160G左右,對於女士嚟講絕對係一個絕大嘅喜訊!

新版本Timemore Chestnux X Lite 手搖磨豆機以一個調節位處理研磨,在每一格之間增加半格,亦令用家方便追求研磨仔細度。

第四,Chestnux X 及 Chestnux X Lite 手搖磨豆機都是採用S2C 系列磨刀頭,都特別經過打磨。這種系列嘅刀頭都是將由上部分嘅齒磨會先將咖啡豆砌至較細體積,然後跌到下半部較鋒利嘅部分,進行二次方山式研磨!

而Chestnux X Lite 手搖磨豆機採用嘅係 新Design S2C 880刀頭。刀紋比以往Chestnux X所採用嘅更多同更鋒利!咖啡豆會研磨得更均匀及細緻,細粉方面有更好嘅控制!


第五,Chestnux X Lite 手搖磨豆機特別在底部加上保護墊,可以減少與台面上嘅磨擦!


我哋就試吓用Chestnux X Lite手搖磨豆機整個手沖咖啡,官方建議為13-16格,最佳為15格,磨20G嘅咖啡豆大概1分鐘 。手感 10 分輕鬆, 研磨起來沒有困難!

整杯啡嘅感覺都乾淨,沒有雜味,風味嘅層次都能呈現。而我個人建議手沖方面可調節至13或14, 拉高拉高整體萃取。呈現出來風味更加不一樣。 有賴於他一個非常均勻研磨分佈率。


C40 Distribution
Xlite Distribution

明顯地Timemore Xlite 的均勻度比 C40更加好,細粉小1%,峰值更加集中。亦都解釋到點解Xlite手沖有均勻明亮的風味😎😌不過細粉多與少從來都唔係一個好咖啡的準則,純粹係風味上的表達!




整體而言Timemore Xlite 手磨,不論就價錢風味表現上,特別貼合用家嘅需要,在磨豆方面更加精細,幫助用家追求一杯他們心水嘅咖啡!用1300元的價位帶來如此效果,手磨性價比的獨角獸!

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