Goat Story Acro 2-in-1 Electric & Manual Coffee Grinder – 集氣箱 Entrebox
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Goat Story Acro 2-in-1 Electric & Manual Coffee Grinder

HKD 3,039.00 HKD 3,799.00

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The Arco Grinder is a high-precision 2-in-1 coffee grinder that won the 2022 Red Dot Design Award. It combines the convenience of an electric grinder with the portability and precision of a manual grinder. It can be used as an electric grinder when attached to the base or as a manual grinder when detached, making it an excellent choice for both home and office use. With 180 precise settings for adjustment, it can grind coffee for everything from pour-over to espresso, catering to the needs of discerning coffee lovers.

  • Electric and manual 2-in-1
  • Compact Size, space-saving
  • 180 adjustable settings for quick calibration
  • Suitable for pour-over and espresso
  • Perfect fit for 58mm espresso machine handles

Versatile 2-in-1 Design

When mounted on the base, it functions as an electric grinder; when detached, it serves as a manual grinder. This versatility makes it perfect for home or on-the-go use!

Quick Adjustment with 180 Settings

With a total of 180 grind settings, users can precisely adjust the coarseness to suit their brewing method, accurately delivering the desired flavor profile for both pour-over and espresso.

Ultimate Grinding Experience for Both Methods

The Goat Story Acro Grinder features a 47mm nitrogen steel burr that’s ideal for both pour-over and espresso, providing you with an exceptional coffee flavor!

Modern Zero Residue Design

The Goat Story Acro Grinder is compact and space-saving, featuring a zero residue design that makes cleaning hassle-free!

Smart Collection Cup Design, Convenient and Easy to Use

The collection cup perfectly fits 58mm espresso handles, allowing for easy use without the need for a collar, making it even more convenient!

【Goat-Story Across Grinder開箱】:劃時代磨豆機,便捷超你所想

相信每一個咖啡友都幻想過有一部細得嚟,又可以帶出戶外甚至旅行嘅磨豆機 😍;有咁樣諗法嘅你,就唔可以錯過今次評測嘅Goat Story Acro磨豆機喇。呢款功能強大但體積細小嘅磨豆機,絕對可以昇華你研磨嘅體驗 🥳。 篇文章我哋將會深度評測,Goatstory Grinder 究竟有冇啲乜嘢大缺點同埋值唔值得購買?


Goat Story Acro嘅外觀十分之有設計感 ✨:一體化黑色霧面嘅鋁機身,直線同半圓形嘅機身線條,望落十分簡約而現代 👀。

Goat Story Acro最大嘅一個特色莫過於手動及電動兩用 ⚡️。用家可以喺手動研磨和電動研磨之間切換,加上細小嘅機身設計,令佢成為居家出外嘅方便選擇 🌟:喺屋企就算連住電動底座都唔嘥位,仲可以拆出嚟帶返Office當手磨用,咁就唔便買多部手磨啦~ 💕


首先講返殘粉方面,相信這個部分係大家最concern的 !。由於佢本身就係一隻手磨+ Electric Motor,基本上機身係唔會有任何殘粉(電動模式都係!)。咁就唔使每次沖完咖啡都要費盡心思掃粉,沖啡嘅意欲即刻提升十倍 ☕️,出嚟啲風味又會乾淨D~

另外,沖咖啡最頭痛嘅地方就係事後清潔:要拆出嚟抹之餘,啲殘粉喺啲窿窿罅罅好難掃走 🥴;而Goat Story Acro嘅易拆設計正正就解決咗呢點。

Espressoo方面相信大家都試過唔小心整瀉啲粉 🤯;但Goat Story Acro就冇呢個煩惱喇,因為佢嘅集粉杯採用磁吸設計,加上可以完美匹配落58mm嘅Espresso機手柄,接粉嗰陣將手柄合落集粉杯再反轉就搞掂,唔使再用catch ring,又方便又乾淨 🤩!


第二個位相信大家比較想知道佢究竟可唔可以磨Espressooo 😏?Goatstory Acro 本身有180格極細微調,涵蓋六種咖啡種類,無論要沖邊一種咖啡,都做到精細嘅研磨度,啱晒對研磨有要求嘅你 🤏;

另外佢嘅外調式設計亦方便用家輕鬆調校格數,咁就唔使好似傳統手磨咁要打開粉倉咁麻煩喇 😸~

刀盤採用咗47mm氮化鋼結合10mm中軸雙軸承 結構,令中軸十分 穩定,咁就可提升研磨嘅均勻度啦 🤌~

磨粉嗰陣,手沖格數大約扭到94格,而沖Espresso就扭到30格。可以睇到佢研磨得十分均勻,唔會出現明顯嘅大顆粒~不過磨緊嗰陣就有少少嘈 🙉。

用CM200 Testm個粉徑分佈都好均勻😎🤎,相對嚟講細會多啲,我相信主要係因為要for espresso 要保留一定細粉去提高萃取率😘。Goat Story Acro嘅手沖風味大約係M47咁上下,但係仍然保留咗咖啡豆嘅甜味同香氣;而Espresso就偏甜身,層次豐富 😋。




Goat Story Acro無論喺外觀定功能上, 個人覺得真係好好好好方便 🤙; 二合一手動電動兩用,無論喺任何場合都沖到一杯靚啡 ☕️。 整體來講都冇乜大缺點! 算係佢呢個價錢又唔想屋企擺多部電動磨豆機好選擇;呢個價錢 做到呢個效果只可以講:「Shut up and take my money!」🤑🤑🤑🤑


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