Delter Coffee Press – 集氣箱 Entrebox

Delter Coffee Press

From HKD 298.00

From HKD 298.00

The Delter Press features a unique Jet Seal design that separates water and coffee grounds before pressure is applied. During brewing, it disperses water evenly over the coffee grounds in a shower-like flow. Additionally, the Delter Press utilizes Injection Brewing, mimicking a syringe pressure method that allows users to precisely control the water volume and add water in stages. It requires less effort than the Aeropress, and it’s easier to press down the piston. The resulting coffee has a clear flavor, and it is recommended to use a higher coffee-to-water ratio to enhance the taste.

  • Jet Seal design allows for even water dispersion over the coffee grounds during pressure
  • Utilizes Injection Brewing for precise water volume control
  • Can be cleaned in under one minute
  • Lightweight and easy to carry
  • Smoke Grey version includes a metal filter, while others come with paper filters

To purchase the Delter Press filters, you can search for “Delter Press Filter” in-store


獨特Jet Seal 設計,比 Aeropress 更省力的、更簡易

Delter Press 比 Aeropress 更省力,更容易壓下活塞;而沖泡出的咖啡風味清晰,建議使用更高粉水比以提升口感。


Injection Brewing的萃取方法,仿針筒加壓,用家可以精準地控制水量,亦能分段注水。



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Clear 透明, Gold, Smoke Grey, Transparent black, Red


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