Cokain Honduras Whiskey Sherry Barrel Fermented (Coffee Beans/Drip Bags/Cold Brew Bags) – 集氣箱 Entrebox

Cokain Honduras Whiskey Sherry Barrel Fermented (Coffee Beans/Drip Bags/Cold Brew Bags)

From HKD 22.00

From HKD 22.00

Region: Honduras (1500m)

Bean variety: Caturra

Flavor: Upon tasting the coffee ☕, you will immediately experience the rich flavors of honey , vanilla , and chocolate , lingering in the mouth , followed by the pronounced aroma of whiskey , making it irresistibly delicious .

Roasting Level: light


Honduran Sherry Whiskey Barrel Fermentation

Origin: Honduras (1500m)

Species: Caturra

Flavor: You will taste a rich honey and chocolate flavor, alongside a vanilla aroma while drinking. If you let it sink in, the slowly emerging whiskey note will catch you by surprise.

Roasting Level: Medium-Light Roast


Cokain 咖啡豆介紹文【洪都拉斯威士忌雪莉酒桶發酵】

Cokain 洪都拉斯威士忌雪莉酒桶發酵咖啡豆



咖啡豆點解會有酒香呢🤔?酒釀散發酒香嘅原因嚟自佢嘅發酵法:雪莉酒桶發酵(Sherry Whiskey Barrel Fermentation)。


酒嘅成分會同橡木產生化學反應,調整橡木嘅芳香化合物(aromatic compound),例如減弱單寧味,加強雲呢嗱味等等🧐。而威士忌喺雪莉酒桶發酵時就會吸收呢啲化合物去豐富自身味道😋



研磨度:C40 23格/Zp6 39格
温度:91度 , 粉水比:1:15 , 時間:2分鐘
味道:爆香蜜糖🍯雲呢拿🍦味,再加朱古力🍫after taste🤤



Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Cokain Type

10g drip bag, 150g coffee beans, 20g cold brew bag


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