Bplus punk screen – 集氣箱 Entrebox

Bplus punk screen

HKD 288

HKD 288

The main purpose of the punk screen is to prevent the high-pressure hot water from directly impacting the coffee powder. Under impact, the surface of the powder cake will crack and produce a floating fine powder, resulting in over-extraction. It’s as simple as pressing the compact, placing the Bplus punk screen mesh on top of the compact, and placing it in the brewing head.

  • Avoid residues of difficult-to-clean fines in the brew head
  • extract espresso more evenly

*Please measure the size of the basket before purchasing, so as not to make the punk screen too large/too small to be applicable

The secret to reducing fine powder

The use of a punk screen can divert the water flow in the coffee machine before it reaches the powder, preventing the high-pressure hot water from directly impacting the coffee powder, keeping the powder intact and avoiding the formation of fine powder and affecting the flavor.

Simple steps, convenient and easy to use

Simply press the compact, place the Bplus punk screen on top of the compact, and then place it in the brewing head to enhance the flavor of your coffee without the hassle of any hassle.

#忍不住開箱系列😈【年度Espresso 輔助神器🤪🥴- Bplus 二次分水網開箱】


其實二次分水網嘅設計🎨,就係參考咗Scott Rao,用filter paper 放喺espresso粉碗上面嘅原理😏。傳統分水網落水時水滴都係都係比較花灑式💦嘅,水滴分佈唔算太平均。不過用咗二次分水網之後就可以將水滴平均分散💧,出到一個更加even嘅shot☕。



今日試咗兩個shot☕,流速上🌊用同冇用分水網個分別唔大🤔,相差大約唔夠一秒🤣。但係沖煮頭壓力高左兩bar 左右🔧。用完之後Creama🍦分別就不大,色水厚薄一致😌 。
但入口☕就係最神奇的地方,成個shot 順滑同酸咗好多🤪🙈。本來嘅shot喺某程度tune fail咗🤣,有少少苦澀,但就係諗住試下佢個limit🧐。用完二次分水網之後真心好順,果酸香🍊🍋出咗好多🤩🤩

同埋相信大家玩義式咖啡☕都知道個Group Head沖完之後會好污糟🙈🙈,對於一日沖一兩次嘅家用玩家💁‍♀️💁‍♂️嚟講,成日清潔係好麻煩嘅事🙉🙉!但二次分水網就解決咗呢個問題🤣🤣🤣使用分水網之後Group head 就算點沖都係非常非常之乾淨✨

1.有興趣知道Scott Rao個方法原理可以參考下面嘅片段😆:https://youtu.be/xxmkPVqvopM

Additional information


51.6mm (fit of La Pavoni/Gaggia), 53.4mm (fit of Breville/9Barista/Sage), 55mm (fit of Mokita/San Marco), 57.5mm (fit of Cafelat Robot), 58.5mm (fit of most home or commercial coffee machines)


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