VSGO tumbler air blow cleaner – 集氣箱 Entrebox

VSGO tumbler air blow cleaner

HKD 89.00

HKD 89.00

VSGO tumbler cleaning adopts a tumbler design, the center of gravity is placed on the bottom, and it will not roll at will; In addition, there is a one-way airway and a filter to prevent the coffee powder from inhaling and blowing.

  • Tumbler design, air blowing does not roll at will
  • It is equipped with a one-way airway and a filter to prevent the coffee ground from inhaling and blowing
  • The price is reasonable, and there are a variety of color options

Doesn’t scroll randomly

VSGO tumbler cleaner air blow adopts a tumbler design, the center of gravity is placed on the bottom, and it will not roll at will, so you don’t know where to fall.

A subtle design that does not allow the powder to enter

The clean air blower is equipped with a one-way airway and a filter to prevent the ground coffee from being sucked in and blowing, so that your tools do not get dirty as they blow.

Colorful Choices

There are different colors to choose from, all of them are colorful, there is always one to your liking, and you can put it in your home to match the environment of your home.


Hello ha 最近又入咗啲好用嘅小幫手😏,就係呢個拎咗2019德國設計紅點獎🔴嘅不倒翁清潔氣吹!



另外佢採用咗單向氣道🌪️同過濾網設計,令到咖啡粉唔會吸入氣吹内😆,防止氣吹內咖啡粉積累或者經氣吹再次噴入磨豆機内😤。過濾網係可換式嘅,大家用耐咗可以自行更換🤣🤣 可以話呢個氣吹成功解決曬一般氣吹有嘅問題!🤪🤪


而佢嘅吹嘴💋部分相當柔軟,方便深入唔同結構嘅磨豆機清潔😎 加上出氣口細,吹氣壓力較強💨 清潔時只要擠壓一兩次就可以吹落全部殘留咖啡粉😊





Additional information


Orange 橙色, Pink, Green, Blue, Black


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