Kadou M1 Dripper – 集氣箱 Entrebox

Kadou M1 Dripper

From HKD 380.00

From HKD 380.00

The new design of Kadou Hasami has a wider angle, which improves the shortcomings of the traditional conical bowl and makes the filter paper fit better. The grooves are designed to be deep at the top and shallow at the bottom, which effectively allows the coffee powder to remain on top during brewing and do not affect drainage at the bottom. The flow rate of the filter bowl is smooth and won’t easily clogged. The variation during brewing can be reduced with the Kadou M1 Dripper , so the flavor can be clean and bright even when just using simple brewing methods.

  • Kadou Hasami all new design
  • 100% fitness with filter paper
  • Bright and clean flavor






而今次個dripper一上手就特別重,特別聚手。用手指彈一下會聽到好沉穩嘅聲音, 代表陶瓷嘅密度特別高。 另外dripper嘅做工特別好,上色均勻無氣泡🌐, 所以話瓷器真係日本仔首屈一指。




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Silvergrass, White, Pink, Powder Blue, Red, Purple, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black


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