LAGOM casa – 集氣箱 Entrebox
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LAGOM casa

HKD 3,999 HKD 3,799

HKD 3,999 HKD 3,799

Casa, meaning “home” in Italian, brings a grinding experience as comfortable and effortless as being at home. Compact and exquisite, it saves space while offering more powerful functionality than the Mini, perfectly meeting your pursuit of precision on your coffee journey.

  • Stepless grind adjustment for precise espresso grinding.
  • Moon Shine dual-purpose burrs for pour-over and espresso, offering more versatile grinding options.
  • Brushless planetary gear motor delivers stronger grinding torque.
  • Automatic start-stop functionality: detects when beans run out and stops grinding automatically.
  • Equipped with a purge button and anti-static device, achieving truly zero retention.


Making your grinding experience as comfortable and cozy as home.

Inspired by the Italian word for “home,” Casa offers a cozy grinding experience with enhanced features over the Mini, perfect for your precise coffee pursuits.

Fully Upgraded: Brushless Planetary Gear Motor

Lagom Casa: Upgraded with Brushless Planetary Gear Motor
Effortlessly handles light-roast espresso, delivering a smoother and more refined espresso experience.

0.01mm Stepless Adjustment: Dual Purpose for Pour-over and Espresso

Casa: 48mm Moonshine Dual-Purpose Burrs
Equipped with 48mm Moonshine burrs for both pour-over and espresso, along with precise 0.01mm stepless grind adjustment, Casa effortlessly handles any coffee brewing style.

Upgraded Knock-Off Function for True “Zero Retention”
Enhanced with an upgraded knock-off feature, ensuring truly zero grind retention for the freshest coffee experience every time.

Anti-Static Coating and One-Touch Grind Clearing
With an anti-static coating and a newly added one-touch grind clearing function, the grinder ensures less than 0.1g of grind retention, delivering maximum freshness and precision!

【Lagom Casa 全城最期待嘅磨豆機終於到手啦🔥】終極開箱文!

等咗咁耐,今日終於可以同大家開箱呢個Lagom mini嘅升級版— Lagom Casa✨


但不變嘅係Lagom一貫嘅設計感,好似Apple mac機塗層咁嘅機身,簡約又好睇😍


同埋官方消息遲啲會推出埋63MM刀盤俾Casa,以一部大椎刀磨豆機嚟講 呢個Size完全🆗 


佢嘅金屬用料亦好好,Catch cup完全唔痴粉‼️  新版本個全動嘅齒輪比以前改進咗,令佢有更大力距去磨更幼嘅淺焙。

Casa嘅Adjustment Range明顯地闊好多,無論係手沖定係Espresso都可以更細緻去調整,非常適合tune shot用😆





Espressp Range係頭嗰6格,由於嗰圈大咗,更加容易調節,所以明顯地磨出嚟嘅粉豆好均勻,無結塊。而手沖就一圈8格,磨20g豆20秒左右就完成,家用嘅話已經好夠!

Casa條Curf可見,好明顯係double peak嘅刀盤,細粉數量比起傳統嘅平刀電磨少啲,

Around 18-16左右。當然如果磨粗啲佢細粉會再少啲,但而家大致上都幾好。

當我哋個粉徑越集中,個甜感就會越容易拉到出嚟,反而有啲粗粉容易under extract,


Casa出嚟嘅風味保持Moonshine bur 一直以嚟嘅特色: 乾淨、甜感豐富,而且佢沖出嚟尾韻好乾淨,完全冇個種本身澀味。


缺點:實測磨Espresso 20g嘅豆,需要40秒,時間比較長,如果商用嘅話未必好適合,但家用嚟講算係可接受嘅範圍~


總括Lagom Casa同Mini嘅價錢差唔多,但功能同設計上都升級咗,變相其實更加抵買,Showroom已經開咗Display,歡迎大家嚟試下!🙈

Additional information


Silver, Black

burr size

48MM, 65MM


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