Kalita Stainless Steel Cake Dripper 155/185 – 集氣箱 Entrebox
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Kalita Stainless Steel Cake Dripper 155/185

From HKD 329.00

From HKD 329.00

The Kalita Wave Stainless Steel Cake-shaped Dripper is a classic product designed by Kalita, allowing both experienced and novice brewers to make a consistently sweet cup of coffee! It features a three-hole drip design for faster filtration, avoiding off-flavors. The pronounced ribbing provides ample space for thermal convection, reducing the time coffee stays in contact with the filter paper and bottom, resulting in a clearer extraction.

  • Classic cake-shaped dripper design, delivering stable brewing performance for coffee enthusiasts
  • The flat-bottomed filter cup has a thinner coffee bed, enabling more efficient extraction
  • Wave-shaped filer paper enhances convection and reduces clogging
  • Durable stainless steel material, suitable for outdoor use

Classic Kalita Design

The flat-bottomed cake dripper design allows a thinner coffee bed, making it easier to agitate the grounds when adding water, enabling beginners to achieve an even extraction for a sweeter coffee flavor!

Wave-shaped Filter Paper Design

The Kalita Wave Cake-shaped Dripper must be paired with its specific wave filter paper, creating a channel between the coffee grounds and the dripper. This increases convection and speeds up flow to prevent clogging!

Japanese-made Stainless Steel Dripper

The elegant and durable stainless steel material is lightweight, making it ideal for outdoor and camping enthusiasts!

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