Fellow Stagg EKG Electronic Thermostat – 集氣箱 Entrebox
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Fellow Stagg EKG Electronic Thermostat

From HKD 1,390.00 From HKD 1,236.00

From HKD 1,390.00 From HKD 1,236.00

The Fellow STAGG EKG thermostat is the fastest thermostat on the market. The spout II cut-out design is easy to control water and easy to use. Because of its both appearance and function, it was awarded the permanent collection of the MOMA Museum of Modern Art in New York.

  • Automatic thermostat
  • The precise spout and ergonomic handle help you control the water easily
  • Automatic power-off to prevent dry burning
  • Made of top-quality 304 stainless steel, it is strong and durable
  • One year warranty, details can be obtained from customer service


The ergonomic handle helps you control your water with ease

With an ergonomic handle, your thumb can be placed on the handle when filling water, and the thermostat is clamped so that you can fill the water easily and accurately.

Automatic power-off to prevent dry burning

The base is equipped with an automatic power-off function, if there is no water in the pot, it will not be heated, to prevent the loss and overheating caused by dry boiling to the body of the pot, and the use is more worry-free.

Durable, non-stiff steel material

Made from top-of-the-line 304 stainless steel, it’s food-safe and strong enough to last longer.

#顔值功能頂點【Fellow STAGG EKG 溫控壺☀️🔥】


其實簡單嚟講fellow手沖壺嘅特色就係顏值高,手感好!(顏值真係好重要🤣🥳)。 加上佢手柄經過特別設計,個重心會放喺手柄,所以揸上手🙋🏾‍♀️好舒服,有種安心嘅感覺🧕!



600 ml vs 900 ml

本質上兩個容量差別不大🤔,高度差一兩cm,重差十幾gram。Btw 老老實實我係600轉900。因為成日整濕完濾紙,暖完杯🥤,已經差唔多用曬一半以上嘅水!搞到我每一次都要重新煲過好麻煩🙊🙈。


Additional information


Steel, Smoke Green, White, Pink, Black


600 ml, 900 ml


600ml:26.7*19.1*19.7 cm 900ml:29.2*17.1*20.3 cm

Weight (body + base)

600ml:1.18 kg 900ml:1.274 kg


Body and cover: CNS304 stainless steel Base: ABS plastic, silicone handle: Nylon


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