Felicita Incline Smart Scale – 集氣箱 Entrebox

Felicita Incline Smart Scale

HKD 528

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Felicita Incline smart scale can be connected to a mobile app via Bluetooth, record brewing information, and practice water pouring; Felicita Incline has high sensitivity, comparable to smart scales costing over a thousand dollars, and it’s very bright, making it very easy to read the display iI\H*we suggest using it with the Filtru Coffee app.

  • Can connect to a mobile app via Bluetooth.
  • Clear lines
  • High sensitivity
  • Ample brightness
  • Type-C Charger

#高性價比500元智能磅🎉【Felicita Incline🌞】

Hello ha 😆😎大家好又係我John,之前keep住忙,最近終於有時間寫開箱。今次介紹嘅係我玩咖啡第一個智能磅!

Felicita Incline 智能磅


Felicita Incline 智能磅

性能:都係智能磅嘅優點🥳,靈敏度高🥱,反應快,可以充電。但我最鍾意佢個mon😆,光度💡十分夠,非常清晰。之前有用過timemore ,但可能佢磨砂面嘅緣故,望落去無咁爽🤪

Felicita Incline 智能磅


除此之外,我尤其欣賞個App平時練習可以記錄落水速度🤓 另外App都可以直接出curve 💫,非常方便。(如果加多個手沖架可以測埋濾杯流速添)

Felicita Incline 智能磅



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