Delter Cold Drip Coffee Maker – 集氣箱 Entrebox

Delter Cold Drip Coffee Maker

HKD 588.00

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The Delter Cold Drip Coffee Maker features a multi-layered drip design, with each layer providing an equal drip rate of one drop per second. This allows you to easily control the dripping speed and achieve optimal extraction time. Its sleek appearance significantly reduces the size of traditional cold brew coffee makers. With a large 50-gram capacity, it can brew coffee for up to five people and comes with a built-in metal filter, making it an eco-friendly option that doesn’t require paper filters.

  • Multi-layered drip design for consistent dripping speed
  • Compact design greatly reduces the size of the coffee maker
  • Large 50-gram capacity brews coffee for five servings
  • Built-in metal filter promotes environmental sustainability

設計之鬼【Delter Cold Drip🧊 不會堵塞的冰滴壺😎】

相信大家都有聽過有Delter Press呢件產品😌,今次Delter Cold Drip都係由Delter 公司創作同設計🎨。而今次Delter Cold Drip主打兩個功能就係唔會堵塞🕳️,同埋穩定流速🌊


首先就穩定流速🌊方面,Delter Cold Drip放棄咗傳統嘅單一儲水系統💧,改為三層設計🤔。令到滴水嘅過程中每一層嘅壓力變化減到最細🤓 加上每一層都有大小精確嘅孔洞🕳️畀水流通過,流速因此非常穩定😌。

而我哋分別測試過三次佢一分鐘內嘅流速🧐,每一分鐘水滴大約68-70滴💧。平均一滴1.15秒😉 (亦都符合官方宣傳大約一秒一滴的功能😍)


就唔會堵塞❌嘅方面,最大原因係Delter Cold Drip放棄咗傳統水閘💦而採用咗三層單一孔Design🎨。呢個設計令到最底嗰層永遠保持有水💧嘅狀態,加上每一層都會有特別預留嘅孔洞透氣💨,令到成個冰滴壺嘅壓力變化減到最細😆,從而改善咗因為壓力差而產生嘅堵塞問題🧐。


但基本上Delter Cold Drip我就咁放喺度冇掂過佢👐,幾個鐘之後就已經可以飲☕😎。加上原廠嘅金屬濾網過濾得幾乾淨🤓 可以一眼望到底。



唯一唔好處就係原廠沒有跟原裝paper🤔,但大家用嗰陣時可以用aeropress paper😆😆,佢裝粉個位係完全一模一樣size。(適合強迫症用家😏😏😏) 你亦都可以加多一個不銹鋼濾網😎


Additional information


Comparable to a 2L beverage bottle


600 ml


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